

How to become a Bachelor student?

Note that the Bachelor program of Open Informatics is taught in Czech language (with only some courses in English). If you are an international student with no knowledge of Czech, please see the similar program ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE (EECS) which is fully taught in English. You can consider the Master program of Open Informatics after graduating from EECS.

I want to become a student of bachelor program

How to become a Master student?

Required knowledge

We expect that applicants have knowledge and education in a STEM field (Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). They should be competent in mathematics, computer science, and practical programming.

In the admission procedure, applicants will be interviewed to determine their general grasp of undergrad-level CS (Computer Science), their talents, and motivation for studying it. Lack of skills in a specific area of CS does not automatically disqualify the applicant as the recommended first-semester plans have an elective slot intended to accommodate courses (incl. bachelor-level) taken to fill any gaps in prerequisite skills. However, we do expect the applicant to demonstrate a good command of reasoning patterns common to CS disciplines.

I want to become a student of master program