
Optional Courses of Bachelor Program

By choosing elective courses, students can deepen their knowledge in the specialization they studied, complete minor specialization or expand your general knowledge. Below is a list of options for how they can approach to the election.

Electives courses recommended by the Board of the OI

The board of the OI regularly assesses the quality of elective courses and recommends selected electives courses to students of OI. Currently, the Board recommends courses that have passed the accreditation procedure and are mandatory in other disciplines within the program. Of these subjects can assemble minor branch.

The board of OI also recommends compulsory courses of other programs taught at FEE and courses of minor specializations of OI. The board referral procedure OI has successfully passed the courses that have the status of a compulsory subject and have not undergone accreditation program OI. A list of these subjects  is gradually growing.

Sign up for a master´s coursesFaculty offer of elective courses is part of the study plans at the site FEE.

Student send an application (the form "universal") to Vice-Dean, which will include::

  1. Profesionally justification of student or teacher´s recommendations
  2. Study grades, class
  3. Agreement of professor of target course

The Vice-Dean desides. If the desicion will be positive the study department will assigne the student to the course.

Minor specializations

For more informations about minor specializations click here.

Humanities, economically-management courses

For more informations about humanities, economically-management courses click here.

Physical Education