Optional Courses of Master Program
Electives cources recommended by the Board of OI
Board of OI regularly assesses the quality of elective courses and electives selected recommends students to RI for inclusion. Currently, the Council recommends objects that have passed the accreditation procedure and are mandatory in other disciplines within the program.
Board of OI also recommended compulsory subjects other programs taught on subjects FEE and courses of minor´s specialization of OI. Council referral procedure OI has successfully passed the items that have the status of a compulsory subject and have not undergone accreditation program OI. The list of these objects is continuously growing.
Supplementing the assumed knowledge
Master study assumes an initial knowledge of mathematics, programming or optimization of algorithms and approximately ranging from bachelor OI. Please consider your good any gaps in their knowledge. We recommend a supplement of selected undergraduate writing courses as electives Master courses, the alternative is self. More information about the assumed knowledge.Supplementing the assumed knowledge.
Minor specializations
- More informations about minor specializations.
Deepening cources
- More informations about a deepening cources.
Humanities, economically-management courses
- More informations about Humanities, economically-management courses.