
Minor Specialization: Computer Graphics

Computer Graphics experiences massive development, particularly through the gaming industry and the emergence of smart cards (GPU). On FEL terms of field with a long tradition and sophisticated teaching, which enjoys a high reputation in the Czech Republic.

Minor field of computer graphics introduces the basic principles of computer graphics and their practical application. Closely acquainted with data structures and advanced algorithms.

Contact person


  • prof. Ing. Jiří Žára, CSc.



Passage through study

Minor consists of the following subjects:

  • Computer graphics algorithms B4M39APG (winter semester) - The aim is for students to understand the basic problems of computer graphics and their solutions. Emphasis is placed on the use of graphic primitives in 2D and 3D modeling and rendering, using color models, images, basic problems and solutions photorealistic imaging.
  • Data structures for computer graphics B4M39DPG (summer semester) - The course is an introduction to data structures used in graphics algorithms. Emphasis is placed on basic and hierarchical data structures of point and object data.
  • Computational geometry B4M39VG (winter semester) - The goal of computational geometry analysis and design of efficient algorithms for determining the properties and relationships of geometric objects. Computational geometry is used not only in geometric applications, but also in the common search problems.

The fourth course students choose according to their preferences of this group:

  • Geometry of computer vision and graphics B4M33GVG (summer semester) - The course builds on mathematical methods of linear algebra, probability theory, numerical analysis and optimization. Foundations for computational geometry, computer vision, computer graphics, image processing and object recognition in images.
  • Multimedia and animation B4M39MMA (winter semester) - The course focuses on the interpretation methods used in computer animation. Students will understand how bitmap animation (mostly processing of video sequences) and vector animation and principles and algorithms for modeling the movement and control of vector represented by animated objects.
  • Visualization B4M39VIZ (summer semester) - In this course, students will be familiar with the theoretical foundations and visualization will also discover specific examples of visualization tasks from practice. Visualization methods are oriented to maximize technical capabilities of computers, but also on the correct use of perceptual abilities (and limitations) of man. Suitably selected visualization method can thus help discover hidden dependencies between specific dates that may not be obvious at first sight. This enables more accurate analysis of the data and a deeper insight into the problem, given that data represents.
  • General-purpose computing on GPU B4M39GPU (winter semester) - The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the basic principles of general computing on graphics processing units (GPGPU) and gaining practical experience in the design and implementation of applications that use the GPU to accelerate calculations. Emphasis is placed on practical experience with the CUDA technology.
  • Realistic image synthesis B4M39RSO (summer semester) - This course presents a comprehensive overview of modern methods for interactive editing of digital images and video. It mainly deals with practical algorithms that are both easy to implement and have an interesting theoretical basis.
  • Advanced interactive image manipulation B4M39AIM (summer semester) - This course presents a comprehensive overview of modern methods for interactive editing of digital images and video. It mainly deals with practical algorithms that are both easy to implement and have an interesting theoretical basis.